Where do you want to travel today?
Explore new places and familiar locations with our extensive collection of videos
Travel around the globe
Explore famous and less famous places around the world. Bring back memories from your holidays, or travel to new places.
Travel locally
How about visiting the place you've grown up? Or the streets you walked to get to the school 50 years ago?
Travel to exotic places
With access to the entire global video library, users can choose to explore places they never have been able to travel to. What about visiting the Eiffel tower, or the sandy beaches in Thailand. Or what about the busy streets of New York?
Take a trip down memory lane
We build a global library with local videos. Relive your childhood memories, cycle past the school you went to, or the church you got married in. We offer thousands of videos, million of memories.
Track activity
You can monitor the progress, and keep the data stored safely
Join exciting events
As a customer, you get access to exciting events, included in your license for free
Keep your data safe
We comply with local laws and regulations to safely store and manage data

Use any kind of training equipment
Even though Motiview works best when enjoyed together with pedals, Motiview can be used with any kind of training equipment. You don't even need a bike to travel around!
The largest sporting event for seniors
As a Motiview customer, you can participate in Road Worlds for Seniors and other exciting events for free